Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mp vs grammar

Boss Man: " did you find out blah blah blah about such and such"
MP: "nope, he don't got one."
Boss Man: "he doesn't have one."

hahahahahahahaha. Even my boss gets in on it.

MP Vacation planning

on phone: "can you give me prices on your carriage rides?"

I wouldn't let her anywhere near a carriage unless she was pulling it.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

MP @ the Dr.

A: "what is she doing at the doctor? are they trying to find her brain?"
Myself: "no, she is having trouble swallowing. it is really ruining her social life."

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I want to describe her laugh better. Here goes. "Hooohooooheeeheeehaaaahaaaahoooooooooocackle"


she gave herself a headache as well from talking too loud.
she just left the office to flirt with the guy who is selling her a trailer. he called her beautiful on the phone. Her response, "How do you know I'm beautiful, I could be some old hag." Poor guy. She is a hag.


we hired a nutritionist. I love how professional it looked when she came in to sign her paperwork. MP spent the entire time laughing like a hyena and talking on the phone about ordering a trailer.


today I have heard all about someone dying while fishing, transmissions and her discussing someone else's insurance with someone who works for an insurance company. I have a headache.


Real quote, "That's typical Hispanic lifestyle. I know. "

I seriously doubt it.


One of MP's "friends" died. It is in quotation marks because I have been hearing her laugh about it now for two days. If you are wondering what it sounds like, think deep throated Woody Woodpecker laugh. I am not kidding. It is so annoying.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Heaven forbid you need to do something to your meal plan while MoonPig is on the phone